Before setting out on his fateful trip to crash the 2012 Mason International Charity Ball, Uroboros posted an interactive map with all the information he’d been able to acquire on holdings belonging to Mason International and the King criminal empire. Just before heading to the ball, Uroboros Tweeted that there was a link hidden on the map at the site of the Konig Inc. warehouse where he “lost his way,” which he hoped one of his followers would find if anything happened to him. Click on the image below to access the map.
As it happened, a UK-based Flashlight devotee was the first to discover Uroboros’ clue, and found the hidden link by clicking on map point 9, uncovering a personal letter from Uroboros. It led to a new, empty wordpress site called “The Lighthouse,” created by Uroboros. Uroboros believed his own blogsite, The Flashlight, had been tainted by his violent actions, but wanted to bequeath a new site to those who could continue his work of shining a light on the truth. The Twitter user who discovered the site, @HunterX9001, found a login password hidden in the map, and started posting entries on the new site. He also informed Uroboros’ former Flashlight collaborators.
But Uroboros’ map holds more secrets than just the link to the Lighthouse. Hovering over the map points with a mouse pointer brings up detailed descriptions of each site, and Uroboros’ musings on their connection to the larger conspiracy. If the major players follow these bread crumbs, Uroboros may yet have the impact in death he so wanted to achieve in life.
Here is a recap of these events on Twitter:
August 24, 2012
[…] to his death, Uroboros posted an interactive map detailing everything he had on holdings belonging to Mason International and the King criminal […]